

Internal Complaints Policy

Here at Fine & Country Costa Blanca North we are committed to providing a professional service to all our clients and customers. When something goes wrong, we need you to tell us about it. This will help us to improve our standards.

If the complaint cannot be solved internally then clients have two ways of reporting the company to the authorities.

As a legally registered S.L. company in Spain located and established in the Autonomous Community of Valencia, we are obliged to have Complaint Forms called “Hojas de Reclamaciones” for clients and display a visible sign in our office informing clients of their existence.

The official Spanish complaints procedure is as follows:

Report: in writing to The Municipal Office of Information for Consumers (OMIC) of the Local Authorities or to the Territorial Consumer Service of La Generalitat Valenciana (STC)

Complaint forms:

A quadruplicate form, each copy of a different colour (white, green, yellow, and pink), should be available in all establishments opened to the public, through which consumers can register a complaint. It is best to complete the form in Spanish or Valencian or to provide a translation when the white copy is presented.

Consumers should take the white and green copies with them, presenting the white copy to the OMIC or the STC and keeping the green one in your possession.

It is important to underline that unlike the rest of the Autonomous Communities such as Madrid, Galicia, or Catalonia, in Valencia there are 4 copies of the sheet and not 3.

How to fill out the claim sheet:

1) Stating your name, nationality and number of the national identity document or passport, as well as the other data referred to in the form,

2) Clearly stating the facts that motivate the complaint or claim and specifying its claim, with an expression of the date on which it is formulated.

The representative of the Company will deliver the white and green copies to the consumer and will keep the pink copy available for the corresponding inspection and the yellow one for referral to the corresponding body, when it is established.

The territorial directorates, through their consumer services, the municipal consumer information offices or those bodies determined by regulation, will acknowledge receipt of and carry out mediation between the parties, without prejudice to their subsequent referral, when appropriate, to the competent body in the matter.

The withdrawal of the claim or the agreement between the parties through mediation will lead to the filing of the proceedings, provided that they do not involve any infraction.

An official mediation process will be set up, and you will be contacted by post with a result, from anything between two weeks leading up to four months. In the meantime, we recommend keeping all the documents, together with the GREEN copy in a safe place.